Saturday, March 30, 2013

Theatre Vocabulary Quiz Answers!

Hello everyone, and welcome to Theater is a Sport.  As always, this is Bobby Keniston, your host for the evening.  Here are the results for the vocabulary quiz yesterday.  Feel free to let me know how you did in the comments section.

Part I.  Matching

1.  Actor/Actress---- I.  A person who performs a role in a play.
2.  Conflict--- F.  Opposition of forces giving rise to dramatic action.
3.  Cold Reading--- H.  A reading of a script done by actors who have not previously reviewed the play.
4.  Costume---- G.  Clothing worn by an actor on stage
5.  Denouement--- J.  The final resolution of a coflict in a plot.
6.  Center Stage--- C.  The center of the area defined as the stage
7.  Collaboration--- D.  Two or more people working together in a joint intellectual effort
8.  Diction--- B.  The clear pronunciation of words
9.  Comedy---- A.  A play that is intentionally humorous
10.  Downstage---- E.  The stage area toward the audience.

Part II.  True Or False

11.  Conversation between two actors on stage is called a monologue.  False (it is called dialogue)
12.  Crisis is a decisive point in the plot of a play on which the outcome depends.  True
13.  Interrelated conditions in which a play exists or occurs is called exposition.  False (it is called context)
14.  Climax is the greatest pont of dramatic tension or transition in a play.  True
15.  A dramaturg oversees the entire process of staging a production.  False (that would be the director)

Part III.  Fill in the blank
(the filled-in blank is the word in ALL CAPS)

16.  The creative process of developing and executing aesthetics in a production, such as costumes, lighting, sets and makeup is called DESIGN.
17.  The art and technique of bringing the elements of theatre together to make a play is called DIRECTING.
18.  A signal, either verbal or physical, that indicates something else, such as a line of dialogue or an entrance, is called a CUE.
19.  CRITIQUE is the opinions and comments based on a predetermined criteria that may be used for self-evaluation or the evaluation of actors or the production itself.
20.  CREATIVE DRAMA is an improvisational, process-centered form of theatre in which participants are guided by a leader to imagine, enact, and reflect the human experience.
21.  A theatrical movement of the early 1920s and 1930s that is characterized by the use of such artificial devices as cartoons, posters and film sequences is called EPIC THEATRE.
22.  An ENSEMBLE is a group of theatrical artists working together to create a theatrical production.
23.  The technique of calling upon your own memories to understand a character's emotion is called EMOTIONAL MEMORY.
24.  The theatre of England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I is known as ELIZABETHAN THEATRE.
25.  Detailed information revealing the facts of a plot is called EXPOSITION

Extra Credit:
Dionysus was the Greek god in question.
A dress rehearsal is the last rehearsal before performing in front of an audience.  It is when all aspects of the production, including lights and costume, finally come together.

I hope you all did well on the quiz!

Until next time, remember:  theater is a sport.

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