My name is Bobby Keniston.  I grew up in Dover-Foxcroft, ME, a small town that precipitated my need for a large imagination.

I played Winthrop in a production of "The Music Man" when I was a youngin'. It changed my life.

I was brainy in school, and often felt like an outcast, but, to be honest, I sort of wore this as a badge of pride.  I didn't love school, but I excelled, and graduated Salutatorian of my high school class, and was also voted CLASS ACTOR.

(On a completely unrelated note, I was also voted "Shortest," which, when you look at it, isn't really something to be voted on.  I either was or wasn't.  For the record, I probably was.)

I went to Boston University's School for the Arts, where I was in the highly competitive acting program.  After a year, I transferred to Bennington College in Vermont.

I didn't know what to do when I graduated from college with a degree in theater.  I did know that I loved being n plays.  So, I took any jobs I could, and did a ton of community theater.  Just acting as much as I could.  Along the way, I also started directing.  I wrote several plays, but kept many of them in a drawer.

In 2010, I moved back to my home town, and, still, didn't really know what to do.  I worked as an Ed Tech at a school, and, of course, got involved in community theater.  I started directing a lot, including for my old high school.  I showed some people my plays from a drawer, and they encouraged me to submit them to publishers.  That's how I became a published playwright.

I created a curriculum for theater and playwriting at Foxcroft Academy, and taught there for five years on a part-time basis.  Since 2010, I have had thirty-three plays published for the youth and high school markets, and have had plays for adults appear in festivals all over New England.  I have produced some of my own work, won some nifty awards, and, at the moment, an independent movie is being made of one of my plays.

I am happy am proud.  Whenever I receive an email or a Facebook message from a student who is doing one of my plays, or see a production picture, it makes my day and gives me a huge sense of purpose.

I hope to keep writing plays, and have goals to publish children's books and young adult novels as well.

Writing the posts for Theater is a Sport is a lot of fun, and helps keep my mental muscles flexed.  I do believe that theater is a sport, and am always happy to see your comments on the subject.  So far, my most popular blog post is about stage kissing.

I get it.

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